Pacific Shore Estates' Range of Services

Pacific Shore Estates specializes in personalized real estate services


From the beginning thoughts of selling your home, to the moment you are ready to do it; Pacific Shore Estates has the expertise to guide you through all real estate markets. We pride ourselves in executing personalized sales plans for every one of our clients in LA and Orange County.


Everyone who wants to buy a home does not know the “right time” to do it. With almost 2 decade of experience we can help you make the most informed decision when you reach these crossroads. With the right information and when you are ready, be assured we are here to help you every step of the way.

No Obligation Evaluation

Every homeowner asks the question “what is my home worth?”. Whether they want to sell it, turn it into a rental or just know out of curiosity. Feel free to know that we can give you a free market value for any of these reasons. Contact us today and we can work on it!


Are you looking for a house, condo or apartment for rent? We can help! Contact us today with what you are looking for and we will have someone get back to you ASAP to help.